Our Mission
The heartbeat of our mission is captured in our name: Grace Mosaic.
The grace of God in Jesus Christ is central to the Scriptures, the church, and the Christian life. You may be under the impression that you must live a “good life” to impress God so that you can win his love and blessing. Maybe you think that church is a club for “good people” who have their act together- the "holier than thou people." Nothing could be further from the truth!
The good news of God’s Grace is that we are welcomed into God’s family and receive his love based upon the perfect life, sacrificial death, and victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ for us. The message of the gospel is not about us and what we do for God. It’s about Jesus Christ and what he has done for us. Jesus came to rescue failures and screw-ups. He came to set us free from bondage to guilt, fear, and shame so that we can live a life of love and service to our neighbors. God's grace heals, renews, and transforms. It’s this message of grace that we want to work out in every area of life. It’s this message that we are most determined to grow into and express as a community.
The second part of our name is Mosaic. A mosaic is a beautiful work of art that is made up of many broken pieces of different shapes, colors, and sizes. When these different pieces are bound together by a skilled artist, they each contribute to the beauty of the larger work. This is the vision of our community. We are a community made up of broken people, of many different ethnicities, cultures, experiences, and vocations. We believe that God, the great artist, is bringing us together by his grace so that he can reveal the beauty of his kingdom to NE DC through us. Our conviction is that the most powerful testimony to the truth of the Christian faith is revealed in the quality of our life together.
The mission of Grace Mosaic is “unity in diversity” and we would love for you to be a part of the beautiful mosaic that God is creating in Northeast DC! So come with your questions. Come with your culture, your story, and your gifts. Come with your loneliness, family drama, and needs. We are bringing the same things, trusting that God not only wants us to believe, but also to belong and to be free through faith in Jesus Christ. This is God’s good news for all people- and that includes you!