Sunday Morning

Visit us!

1423 Girard St. NE
Washington, DC 20017
(Church of the Redeemer)

9:30 - 11:00 AM

What To Expect

Welcome. When you come into our worship space, you’ll find a warm and inviting atmosphere where you’ll feel seen and welcomed.

Length. Our services have a set form, or liturgy, that lasts for about 90 minutes (9:30-11), but there is both structure and spontaneous freedom in our worship. 

Children. Children are not only recognized as fellow image bearers and worshipers of God, but are valued as those who point us to Christ in a unique way. We have created a culture in our worship and community gatherings in which children are welcome to participate fully. We have multiple ways that we minister to children during worship, so find out more at our children’s ministry page here.

Lord’s Supper. We joyfully celebrate the Lord’s Supper (or Communion) every week.

Emphasis. We emphasize God’s power and grace. We believe that the main actor of the worship service is God. He welcomes us, cleanses us, sets us apart, feeds us from his word and table, and blesses us to live on mission together. In response to God’s grace, we offer our praises, our prayers, our money, and our very lives.

Expression. Our services seek to explore various emotional postures before God: joyful, excited praise, humble adoration, mournful lament, grateful response, and hopeful encouragement.

Music. Our music is a major aspect of who we are and what we do at Mosaic. We feature many different styles of songs and hymns in our services, but our sound is defined most heavily by gospel, soul, neo-soul, and contemplative music. We joyfully support gifted local musicians who play for us on Sundays and for seasonal services. We also have members of the community who use their gifts. We compose and arrange original music that fit our context uniquely well.