Serving With DC127

DC127 is dedicated to protecting children and empowering and preserving families. They provide wraparound services to parents and grandparents who are isolated, overwhelmed, and under-resourced to stabilize families and prevent children from entering the foster care system. They also recruit and support foster families so that no child has to wait for a home. Read below for ways to serve!

During COVID-19: 

●      Virtual Volunteers

Virtual Volunteers form an intentional friendship with a family, support the parent in specific goals, and provide much-needed social connection during an isolating season, all online. Learn more here. DC127 is particularly in need of Spanish-speaking volunteers at this time. 

●      Virtual Trainings for Families

DC127 supports families with monthly training topics and are looking for a range of training expertise in topics such as personal finance management, parenting, or legal support topics (especially housing related). If you have an interest to support in this way, please reach out to Lisa Slavovsky or Allison Milne to discuss further. 

After COVID-19: 

●      HOPE (Homes Open for Parent and Youth Empowerment) Volunteers

HOPE volunteers take youth on outings at least once a month throughout the duration of the program. This can either be a weekend outing, where the volunteer is intentionally engaged with the youth for a full day, or one overnight. These outings and hostings empower the youth with new relationships, exposing them to different cultures and experiences, and they also provide needed relief for the parents. Learn more here.

●      CARE (Connecting, Advocating, Relating, Encouraging) Volunteers

CARE volunteers connect with the parent to form a stable, consistent relationship. The CARE volunteer is a dependable presence for the parent in times of need and celebration, as well as  supporting the parent in setting and pursuing goals. Learn more here

Become a Foster Family

If you are considering fostering a child, DC127 is here to support you every step of the way. They help foster families through the licensing process, connect them with resources, and mobilize their church community in support. Learn more here

Contact Lisa Slavovsky or Allison Milne with questions or to connect with other GMo members who serve with DC127.

To start the process of getting involved, complete a VOLUNTEER APPLICATION and attend an upcoming virtual NEW VOLUNTEER TRAINING!