Spiritual direction is an ancient Christian practice of guidance and companionship that creates hospitable space for communion with God and to discern the consequences of that communion in ordinary life.
Spiritual direction aims to provide space to give one's attention to God rather than to a particular problem that needs to be fixed or behavior that needs to be modified. It is a hearing and responsive posture for both the director and directee as we attend to the Holy Spirit's presence and movement.
It is about listening together, noticing God's voice and direction. This occurs in an atmosphere of loving trust; trusting that God is for us, in love, and that God's work over time is about transforming us into the image of Christ, through the loving shaping of his Holy Spirit, so that we might live life fully as God’s beloved for the life of the world.
Click on the images below for more information about our directors and how to schedule a time with them.
Both Katie and Ashley serve on leadership at Grace Mosaic and are currently pursuing their certification in Spiritual Direction through Leadership Transformation’s Selah Spiritual Direction program.
Are you sensing God’s invitation towards Spiritual Direction?
Jesus often asks those who come to him, “What do you want me to do for you?”
If you are sensing God’s call to explore that question, answer His invitation and connect with one of our Spiritual Directors to start this wonderful adventure together.